With the introduction of the Sanity Meter that will affect the player, many believed it would be similar to Eternal Darkness where it would have the screen suffer a fake BSOD, bugs crawling across, etc.It appears to be an act of absolution, driving home the point you, however indirectly, killed one of the nicest people in Oakmont. Unlike the accusatory visions of other people you killed, Graham's spirit (or whatever) hugs Reed and offers his mask, shocking Reed. Tear Jerker: Reed's hallucination of Graham Carpenter if you sided with Brutus.Scrappy Mechanic: Both critics and fans agree the combat is very unstable, especially in large groups, due to the fact the player cannot dodge roll or turn around groups have to be dealt with precision.As of March 2021, it's still generating coverage long after interest in the game itself has largely waned.
#The sinking city into the depths series
Far more has been made of the long-running, increasingly unpleasant legal dispute over the distribution rights to this game and the Sherlock Holmes series that erupted between developer Frogwares and publisher Nacon not long after The Sinking City came out. Overshadowed by Controversy: The Sinking City received a fairly muted reception on release.Worse, if you let her do it, you can hear the resurrected Hammond mewling and scratching at the inside of his tiny coffin. Bethany Throgmorton, gone insane from long lonely years of grief and abuse, thinks the only way to restore her son Hammond is to release his soul from Randall's mirror into the body he left behind - in other words, a now-adult being trapped in a child's rotting corpse.Nothing happens, but it's still one of the creepiest parts of the game. Then, after he gets the missing part of the Seal, Reed exits the office to find the stone cultists have somehow moved to the bottom of the stairs in a pose of anguish. This somehow turned the cultists to stone, frozen in place as they were going about their business. Reed travels to their hideout to retrieve a part of the Monolith and learns the cult were so crazed they had started eating the Monolith rock, breaking their teeth in the process but unable to stop themselves. Robert Throgmorton in particular gets this since his voice actor chews the scenery.

The animations and character models are very unnatural.Needless to say, wearing this outfit will suck all drama and gravitas out of the game. And then it slips right back into Nightmare Retardant territory with an octopus that he wears on his head like a hat. It gives Reed badass-looking tattoos, adds a nice dose of Nightmare Fuel with an apron made of human faces. The Cultist outfit which is obtainable from finishing the "Mystic Tomes" DLC case.So ridiculous that the developers eventually released a version of the outfit sans the backpack. Narm: Reed's giant backpack that he wears on his default outfit.Ebernote is an asshole, but it's easy to pity him. All while having the knowledge that humanity's time is coming to a close but with no way to stop it. Then he's constantly harassed by the KKK and his followers get murdered in front him. As he's part Deep One, that's like deliberately leaving a fish to suffocate on land. Raised from a child to believe he was the chosen one only to find out that wasn't true and then left behind by the other Blackwoods when they returned to the sea as punishment for being a failure. The American Flags that are in the city only have 48 stars, which was correct for the 1920s this game takes place in.The motor boat the player character is using is called Cyclops II This isn't a random reference either, as Reed served on the USS Cyclops and was the Sole Survivor of its sinking.Enjoy The Story, Skip The Game: The writing in this game more can make up for a myriad of issues the game itself has- if you're willing to tolerate some pop-in and amateurish animations, there's a genuinely good story under here.Disappointing Last Level: The final chapter, "Into The Depths", is largely a Fetch Quest with minimal detective work and unclear objectives.